Presidential - 1996 | Capitol Coin and Stamp, political memorabilia and precious metals
Political memorabilia > Buttons > Presidential - 1996
6 results total, viewing 1 - 6
Presidential - 1996 more like this
Presidential - 1996
Love Ya, Man Clinton/Gore Button
Item number 588
Description Reflectivity on the left side of the button occurred during button photography.
Date 1996
Price $2.00 add to cart
Presidential - 1996 more like this
Presidential - 1996
Protect Our Forests Clinton/Gore Button
Item number 592
Description Reflectivity on the left side of the button occurred during button photography.
Date 1996
Price $2.00 add to cart
Presidential - 1996 more like this
Presidential - 1996
Clinton For All The People Button
Item number 604
Description Reflectivity on the left side of the button occurred during button photography.
Date 1996
Price $2.00 add to cart
Presidential - 1996 more like this
Presidential - 1996
Clinton/Gore '96 Campaign Button
Item number 19362
Date 1996
Price $2.00 add to cart
Presidential - 1996 more like this
Presidential - 1996
Northwest Airlines Party '96 Button
Item number 593
Description Reflectivity on the left side of the button occurred during button photography.
Date 1996
Price $3.00 add to cart
Presidential - 1996 more like this
Presidential - 1996
National Jewish Democratic Council Clinton/Gore Button
Item number 26561
Date 1996
Price $35.00 add to cart
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